Fascia release seems to be effective for stretching! Welcome to the world of fascia release, you who are working on it immediately. Congratulations.

Did the forward bending progress with the soles of the feet?

In this article, I’ll talk about two reasons why myofascial release softened.


1. The distorted and fixed fascia was loosened and the range of motion became wider.

This is exactly what I wrote in the popular article. By the way, “the range of motion has become wider” is inaccurate, and is it correct to say “the original range of motion has been restored”?

What that means is that your natural range of motion is limited by the twisting of the fascia, so it means releasing it.


If one part becomes stiff, the distortion will affect the other part, so let’s loosen the whole body.



Actually, there is another reason.

2. Pain tolerance increased

Simply put, I’m used to the pain.

There is a story that an unconscious brake works on the human body. I also introduced it in this blog.

If you bend forward any more, you may get injured! An unconscious signal from the brain appears as pain, and it says, “I can’t bend forward any more …”, but Mr. Bali Gou comes out with this signal early.

It’s not impossible, but I get a signal that I can’t do it anymore.


By loosening the soles of the feet so much that it hurts, once you get used to the pain, the signal will be delayed and the forward bending will deepen.




By the way, there are two patterns for those who do not feel the effect of fascia or PNF.

A. The stimulus is too weak

B. It’s too hard and the pelvis is stuck

A is weak in stimulation and does not show the effect of delaying the issuance of the Murimuri signal, but if you do it seriously, this type will not be available.

Probably B, but this solution requires a slightly different approach over time.

Originally, the pelvis is a bone with a high degree of freedom, but if you continue to live without moving your body, your back and pelvis will stick together like a single plate, and you will not be able to move freely. Even if the surface is loosened by releasing the fascia, the contents are too stiff and do not move.

I will introduce the exercise again in the future.



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